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Data Analysis for 203 Project

Example of Analysis(Fertilizer)

With steps clearly illustrated in the guiding document, we are able to generate the following graphs that ought to be useful.

fert: Main DataSet of fertilizer consumption in KG per hectare of arable land.

g20Fert: DataSet for countries.

“T”: Transposed DataSet

“Pure”: Take out the Characters in the main dataframe.

A little function that eliminates the x before number-name columns

destroyX  = function(es)  {

f  =  es

for (col in c ( 1:ncol(f))){

if (startsWith (colnames(f)[col],  "X")  ==  TRUE){

colnames(f)[col]  <- substr(colnames(f)[col], 2 , 100)



assign(deparse(substitute(es)),  f,  inherits  =  TRUE)


G20 Countries Country Code

g20State  <- c ( "CAN" , "USA" , "AUS" , "GBR" , "FRA" , "DEU" , "ITA" , "JPN" , "BRA" , "RUS"

, "IND" , "CHN" , "ZAF" , "MEX" , "ARG" , "TUR" , "SAU" , "KOR" , "IDN" ,  "EUU")

The G20 consists of the G7, BRICS, and 7 other important economic entities, such as Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Rep.Korea.

Import Fertilizer Data

fert  <- read .csv ("D://URochester/Course MATH 203 Intro to Math Stat/ProjectDataFile/FertilizerFile .csv") attach(fert)

g20Fert  <- subset(fert, Country .Code %in% g20State, select = c (Country .Name:X2020)) detach(fert)

g20PureFert  <- subset(g20Fert, select=c (X2000 :X2020))

g20Fert  <- destroyX(g20Fert)

g20PureFert  <- destroyX(g20PureFert)

Summary of Fertilizer Data for each year



##  Please  cite  as:

##    Hlavac,  Marek  (2022) .  stargazer:  Well-Formatted  Regression  and  Summary  Statistics  Tables .

##    R  package  version  5 .2 .3 .  https://CRAN .R-project .org/package=stargazer



##  ============================================

##  Statistic  N      Mean      St .  Dev .    Min           Max

##  --------------------------------------------

##  2000            20  159 .697  114 .156    11 .417  455 .959

##  2001            20  157 .321  110 .493    12 .940  424 .276

##  2002            20  156 .848  111 .543    11 .493  417 .970

##  2003            20  161 .765  111 .603    11 .004  427 .047

##  2004            20  165 .592  115 .577    11 .420  453 .196

##  2005            20  162 .075  119 .577    11 .793  478 .152

##  2006            20  155 .191    99 .196    12 .481  376 .726

##  2007            20  170 .420  110 .468    14 .253  406 .250

##  2008            20  143 .957    95 .007    15 .883  374 .214

##  2009            20  138 .830    95 .601    15 .635  385 .425

##  2010            20  154 .014  102 .862    15 .725  424 .378

##  2011            20  159 .436  105 .657    16 .187  440 .830

##  2012            20  162 .866  108 .068    15 .434  450 .769

##  2013            20  164 .896  106 .919    15 .298  449 .037

##  2014            20  169 .151  112 .641    15 .901  464 .776

##  2015            20  165 .258  108 .949    16 .663  464 .558

##  2016            20  167 .495  106 .353    18 .687  459 .090

##  2017            20  171 .167  105 .848    20 .328  445 .248

##  2018            20  169 .990  105 .230    20 .814  420 .359

##  2019            20  167 .722  100 .657    22 .591  398 .023


Boxplot for each Country in 2 decades

i  <- 1

Tg20PureFert  <- as .data .frame(t(g20PureFert))

colnames(Tg20PureFert)  <- g20Fert[,1]

boxplot(Tg20PureFert$China,  Tg20PureFert$`United  States ` ,  Tg20PureFert$France,

horizontal  =  TRUE ,  xlab  =  "Fertilizer  Usage(kg/ha)" ,

names  =  c ( "China" , "US" , "France"),  main="Distribution  of  Fertilizer  Usage(kg/ha)  over  20  decades

Distribution of Fertilizer Usage(kg/ha) over 20 decades


Fertilizer Usage(kg/ha)

Time Series Plots

par (mfrow=c (2 ,2))

a  <- c (2000:2020)

i  <- 1

while(i  < 21){

plot(a,g20PureFert[i,],type= 'l ' ,

main=g20Fert[i,1],xlab="Year" ,ylab="Fertilizer  Usage(kg/ha)") i=i+1
