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Urban Transport

Masters Programme

Transport Planning Lab Assignment 3

In this assignment you should utilise the data and materials provided in the lab session Network        analysis and location modelling’ (Also available on GitHub:https://github.com/rafavdz/routing_tuto- rial).

You should complete Question 1 and Question 2.  You should clearly label your answers to show which question and sub-question you are answering.

Then you should submit through Turnitin either:

•    A Word or PDF file and a separate .R file containing your R code OR

•    An RMarkdown/Quarto file including your code and your text responses for each question. The deadline for submission is noon on March 20th 2023.

Context for your analysis

NHS Scotland provides publicly funded healthcare in Scotland through Health Boards and a national public health body.  NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is the largest Health Board in Scotland and it is responsible for the provision and management of the whole range of health services in this area in- cluding hospitals and General Practice.

Following concerns raised in the media about the accessibility of the Queen Elizabeth University Hos- pital in Glasgow for people who don’t have a car, the local Health Board have commissioned you to   undertake a data analysis to answer the queries outlined in Question 1 and Question 2 below.

Question 1: Pollokshaws

The NHS board has identified the ‘Pollokshaws’ area in Glasgow as at risk of having limited access to non-emergency health services that are only offered at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital . They     want to understand the travel options available under different conditions for a variety of residents.

Calculate the shortest route to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital from a suitable point in Pol-   lokshaws by bicycle for each of the three cyclist types given below. You should choose appropriate     values for the average speed and stress level for each cyclist type (for the remaining parameters, you can use those employed during the labs, e.g. date/time of departure) .

•    Expert cyclist

•    Regular adult cyclist

•    Beginner adult cyclist

a)    Present a table or tables showing the estimated travel time and distance for each cyclist        type.  Specify the parameter values used for average speed and stress level and explain your choices.

b)   Visualise the estimated routes including a background map. Adjust the presentation as ap-    propriate for the targeted audience (local NHS board members) so they can easily and accu- rately interpret the results, for example you might include a title, legend title, legend names, or points or areas of reference. You can use any suitable R package, e.g. {ggplot}, {ggmap},    {tmaps}.

c)    Write a short paragraph targeted at the local NHS board members about the impacts of your findings (in parts 1.a) and 1.b)) on hospital accessibility by bicycle from Pollokshaws. [maxi-   mum 100 words].

The local NHS board are also interested in understanding the availability of public transport between Pollokshaws and the hospital.  Calculate the fastest route by public transport (walking to and from     stations is allowed) on a representative working day (9th November 2022) for each of the four sce-    narios indicated below.  Each scenario combines a traveller profile and a time of day. Limit the            “rides” on public transport vehicles to a maximum of two, and set a suitable time of departure, walk- ing speed, and maximum walking time.

•    Adult at peak time

•    Adult at night-time

•    Elder (a person over 70 years old) at peak time

•    Elder (a person over 70 years old) at night-time

d)   Present a table summarising each of the scenarios by the total duration, number of legs, and total wait time.  Explain how you chose the values for departure times, walking speeds and   maximum walking times.

e)   Visualise the estimated routes including a background map. Adjust the presentation as ap- propriate for the target audience (local NHS board members) so they can easily and accu-  rately interpret the results (e.g. by including a title, legend title, legend names, or points or areas of reference ). You can use any suitable R package, e.g. {ggplot}, {ggmap}, {tmaps}.

f)    Write a short paragraph targeted to the local NHS board members about the impacts of your findings (in parts 1.d) and 1.e)) on hospital accessibility from Pollokshaws by public

transport. [maximum 150 words]

Question 2: Accessing Queen Elizabeth University Hospital by Public Transport

The NHS board is also evaluating how much of the city (and the surrounding area) that the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital could serve if we assume that residents could only access scheduled health services using public transport.

Compute the travel time by public transport from each Data Zone centroid that falls within the NHS ‘Greater Glasgow and Clyde’ board to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital departing on a week- day (9th November 2022) at the morning peak. For the remainder of the parameters, use the de-     faults in {r5r}.

a)   Visualise the estimated travel times in a choropleth map at the Data Zone level illustrating     the travel time using breaks of 15, 30, and 60 minutes. Adjust the presentation as appropri-  ate for presenting to the NHS board members and ensure that they can easily and accurately interpret the results (for example by including labels, title, legend, etc). You can use any suit- able R package, e.g. {ggplot}, {ggmap}, {tmaps}.

b)   How many Data Zones can reach the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital by public transport during the morning peak period:

i.       within 15 minutes and

ii.       within 30 minutes?

c)    What is the total population (according to data available from the 2011 census) that would take:

i.       15 minutes and

ii.       30 minutes

to reach the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital by public transport during the morning peak period?

d)   Write a paragraph targeted to the NHS board members presenting your main findings from   Q2 and explaining the limitations of the analysis, particularly in terms of the assumptions un- derpinning the estimates. [maximum 200 words]