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CDS3004 Data Mining

Group Project

1    Project Objectives

•   To appreciate, understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of data science and data mining.

•   To enhance students’ understandings of the entire process of data science.

•   To facilitate the learning of methods, techniques, and skills in data preparation, data analysis, data modeling, and data mining for real-world problems.

2    Topics

The project topics can be determined based on the interests and backgrounds of the group members. The project group may collect new data and formulate practical data science problems from them. The project group should properly apply appropriate techniques learned from the course to solve the problems.

The project group is encouraged to use any data science principles and methods that are useful for solving the problems. Please note the following points when the topic and data sources are being decided.

1.   This project must not be the same as any projects that the group members have done or are doing in the University or other institutions. If the topic is similar to any of the group members’ projects, the project group needs to include a declaration and states clearly the similarity and difference. Fail to make such a declaration would lead to a zero mark in the project.

2.   The project group should apply the principles and techniques learnt in the course.

3.   Include the source of information. Make clear reference to the data sources and any others that benefit the project.

4.   The used datasets should be reasonably large so that you can extract meaningful features

3    Proposal

The project group is required to submit a project proposal before the group starts doing the  project. The proposal should introduce the project topic briefly. Each group needs to submit one proposal that contains

1.   Background information of the topic.

2.   The objective of the project.

3.   Potential data sources and the description (e.g. statistics) about these data sources.

4.   The description about the methods that will be used.

Consider the following questions when the proposal is being prepared.

1.   What is the problem?

2.   What are the data sources?

3.   Are these data sources available?

4.   What are the tasks that are being performed?

5.   What are the data preprocessing, visualization, and data mining methods that will be used? Why?

4    Project Report

At the end of this semester, the project group is required to submit a project report. In this report, the details of the project should be presented thoroughly. More information about the project report will be provided in April, 2023.

5    Presentations

At the end of this semester, all members of a project group are required to present their  project. A rubric will be used for the assessment of individual performance in the oral presentation.

6    Deadlines

The deadlines of each task are shown in the table below.



Group formation (5-6 students per group)

8 February, 2023

Proposal submission

8 March, 2023

Report submission

1 May, 2023


19 and 21 April, 2023 (To be confirmed)

7    Assessment



Project Results




Individual Presentation


Total                                                                              30%