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EC2A1:  Micoreconomics II

Reading Week Course Work

1    Part 1:

Consider a group consumers who consume two types of goods, a numeraire good, Z, with price 1 and a consumption good X with price P . The latter produces pollution.  Consumers can be “green” or“non-green” reflecting their envrionmental preferences.  There are Mg  green consumers and Mn non-green consumers and let M = Mg + Mn .

Each green consumer i has preferences


Zi + γ log (Xi ) X log (Xj )


and each non-green consumer k has preferences


Zk + Γ log (Xk ) λ X log (Xj )


where ⇤ >  λ  and Γ >  γ .  Also assume throughout that γ − (Mg ⇤ + Mn λ) > 0. All consumers have an endowment Yi  of the numeraire. [Note that P log (Xj ) is the sum of (log of) consumption across all consumers.]

1. Explain how these preferences capture the negative externality from pollution. (2 marks)

2. In what sense do the assumptions that ⇤ > λ and Γ > γ capture what it means to be a green consumer? (2 marks)

3. Derive the demand for good Xi  for each type of consumer and show that green consumers buy less of good X than non-green consumers. (2 marks)

4. Suppose we measure welfare as the sum of utilities. What is the level of consumption of good X for each type of consumer which maximizes welfare? Explain why this di↵ers from your answer to part 3 (6 marks)

5. Let c be the marginal cost of producing good x.  Suppose that the government chooses to regulate the price of this good and legislates a price for each type of consumer of


Pg  = cγ Mg  λMn

for green consumers and

Γ λ          

Pn  = cΓ Mg  λMn

for non-green consumers. How will this a↵ect demand by both types of consumer?  Will this achieve the welfare-maximizing consumption of good X? Is this a workable policy? Explain. (6 marks)

6. Will producers who are competing with each other to supply good X have an incentive to ask the government to regulate the price due to the externality? (2 marks)

2    Part 2:

Write a short essay on one of the following topics. Do not write more than 1000 words (give a word count with your submission.)  Refer to models, including the simple model in part 1, that are useful for thinking through the issues.

Option 1: In the model above, we can think of λ and ⇤ as expressions of concern about pollution which di↵ered across the groups of consumers. Suppose that we think of an externality like climate change where there is a huge amount of uncertainty of about the extent of damage that is being caused.  How should uncertainty be brought into designing environmental policy?  We have assumed in the model above that there are xed preferences, i.e. γ , Γ , λ , ⇤ are all fixed. Should changing preferences be part of the policy agenda?  How can you think about the welfare gains from changing preferences in fighting externalities?

Option 2:  One of the big challenges in dealing with externalities is the het- erogeneous impact on di↵erent groups. Think about how the price regulation considered in part 1 has distributional e↵ects. How should such things be brought into policy design? Think concretely about how this plays out in a specific case such as trying to reduce carbon emis- sions? Should government compensate losers? Would data collection be important as part of policy evaluation?