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CS61B: Data Structures

Midterm #1, Fall 2022

1. Residents & Friends (359 points).

a)   (300 points) Draw the box and pointer diagram (on the next page) resulting from executing the main method. If a line would error, write an X” in the box next to the line and continue executing the program as if that line of code was never run.

public class Resident {

public String name;

private Resident[] friends;

public static int changes = 0;

public Resident(String n) {

this.name = n;

this.friends = null;


public Resident(String n, Resident[] friends) {

this.name = n;

this.friends = friends;


public void takeFriendsAndRenameOne(Resident a, String s) {

this.friends = a.friends;

this.friends[0].name = s;

Resident.changes = Resident.changes + 1;


public static void main(String[] args) {

Resident claire;

Resident ethan = new Resident("Ethan");

Resident vidya = new Resident("Vidya");

Resident nandini = new Resident("Nandini");

Resident[] friends = {vidya, ethan, nandini};

vidya.takeFriendsAndRenameOne(new Resident("Jedi", friends), "Allen"); Resident.takeFriendsAndRenameOne(nandini, "Kyle");

vidya.friends[0] = nandini;


} // Reminder: If a line would error, follow the directions above.

Box-and-pointer diagram

Note: You may write Strings directly inside of the box instead of as a pointer to a String object. Cross out all objects provided that are garbage collected or not used.

Static Fields








































b) (59 points). Say that instead of running the main method in the Resident.java class, we decide to run it in a new file called CS61B.java. Which line of code that ran successfully previously will now error, if any?

Resident claire;

Resident[] friends = new Resident[]{vidya, ethan, nandini};

vidya.takeFriendsAndRenameOne(new Resident("Jedi", friends), "Allen"); vidya.friends[0] = nandini;

None of the above

2. IntList Of.

Background: Java provides a useful shorthand called a vararg” for when you want to pass an arbitrary number of values to a function without actually creating an array. For example, the function below sums all of the numbers provided to it. The input items is called a vararg” .

public static int sumMidFa22(int... items) {

int sum = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {

sum += items[i];


return sum;


A function with a vararg input can be invoked with separate arguments, or can be invoked with an array of values. The example below shows the two different ways of calling sumMidFa22:

sumMidFa22(1, 2, 3, 4);  // sums four provided arguments, returns 10

int[] valuesToSum = new int[]{8, 10, 12};                     sumMidFa22(valuesToSum); // sums contents of array, returns 30

a. (300 Points). Fill in the code below to write a method called of which returns an IntList of the given values, e.g. IntList.of(1, 2, 3, 4) would return an IntList with the values 1, then 2, then 3, then finally 4. See the reference sheet for a definition of the IntList class.

public static IntList of(int... x) {

IntList L = ____________________;

for (int i = ____________; i ____________; i ____________) {

______________________________________________; }

return _______________;


b. (0 points). What is the common term for modern pop music created in Kazakhstan?

3. IntList replaceValue (300 Points).

Fill in the IntList method below which replaces the value in the given position with x. For example, if our IntList is 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, then replaceValue(L, 100, 2) would return an IntList 10, 11, 100, 13, 14. The method should not modify the IntList that is passed in, and none of the nodes in the original IntList should be referenced by the new list. If pos is an invalid index, e.g. pos is greater than 4 or pos is less than 0 for the list containing 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, then your code should return a copy of the list with no changes made. See the reference sheet for a definition of the IntList class.

For example, the code below should result in the box and pointer diagram shown in the Visualizer:

IntList L     = IntList.of(10, 11, 12, 13, 14);

IntList r2    = IntList.replaceValue(L, 100, 2);

IntList rneg1 = IntList.replaceValue(L, 100, -1);


/** Returns copy of L where L[pos] = x. If pos invalid, returns copy of L.*/

public static IntList replaceValue(IntList L, int x, int pos) {

if (__________________________) {                             return___________________________________________________;


if (__________________________) {

return ___________________________________________________;


return _________________________________________________________; }

4. JUnit (300 points). Fill in the JUnit tests below which provide evidence that replaceValue from problem 3 works correctly. Assume that assertEquals and assertNotEquals accurately compare the contents of the parameters when two IntLists are passed in. You may assume the of method from part

2 is implemented and works correctly. See the reference sheet for a list of JUnit methods.

Your two tests should show evidence of the following three properties of replaceValue:

1.   Test One: The input IntList is not modified by replaceValue.

2.   Test One: For a valid pos input, the desired value is changed in the returned list, and no other values are changed.

3.   Test Two: The list returned does not contain references to nodes in the original list, i.e. all nodes are new.

You do not have to use all provided lines.

/** Calls replaceValue for a valid position and verifies that the original list is not modified, and also verifies that the only changed value in the copy of the list is the value in the desired position. */


public void testOne() {

IntList L = _____________________________________________________





/** Calls replaceValue for an invalid position and verifies that the returned list has no references to nodes in the original list. */   @Test

public void testTwo() {

IntList L = IntList.of(1, 2);









You may complete this problem even if you did not correctly answer problem 3.

5. Norinori.

“Norinori” is a genre of logic puzzles played on an NxM grid, divided into R regions. The goal is to place R dominoes (2 horizontally adjacent or 2 vertically adjacent shaded cells) on the grid such that no dominos are touching except at the corners, and that every region contains exactly two shaded cells, which are not necessarily part of the same domino.

We represent the regions of a grid as a 2D integer array. Each location on the grid is labeled with a unique number from 0 to N- 1, and the value of the array at arr[row][col] indicates the area that the grid cell at coordinates (row, col) is in. For example, this 6x4 grid may be represented by the 6x4 array. The top row [0, 0, 1, 1] tells us the two top left cells are in area 0, and the two top right cells are in area 1.


[0, 0, 1, 1], // cells in areas 0,0,1,1 [0, 0, 1, 1], // cells in areas 0,0,1,1 [2, 0, 1, 3], // cells in areas 2,0,1,3 [2, 2, 3, 3], // cells in areas 2,2,3,3 [4, 2, 3, 3], // cells in areas 4,2,3,3 [4, 2, 3, 3], // cells in areas 4,2,3,3


In the above diagram, (0, 0) would represent the top left corner of the grid, and (5, 3) the bottom right.

We represent prospective solutions to Norinori puzzles with a 2D boolean array. Let `true` indicate that a cell is shaded, and `false` indicate that a cell is unshaded. A (the) valid solution to the above puzzle is represented as follows:


[false, true,  true,  false], [true,  false, false, true], [true,  false, false, true], [false, true,  true,  false], [true,  false, false, false], [true,  false, false, false],


Notice how the shaded cells all come in groups of 2, or dominoes. Notice that each region contains exactly two shaded squares. Notice that no 2 dominos are touching, except at their corners, i.e. any orthogonally adjacent” shaded areas are part of the same domino. Your task in this problem will be to fill out the following 2 methods to fulfill their comments, ultimately building a method that checks whether a given norinori solution is valid.

a. (270 points) Fill in the code below.

/** Return the number of shaded cells orthogonally adjacent (up, left, down, right) to cell[I][J]. You may assume I, J are valid inputs for the given    grid, e.g. for the example above, you may assume I is always between 0 and  5, and J is always between 0 and 3. You may assume that SHADED is           rectangular. Examples for the grid above:

countAdjacentShaded(SHADED, 0, 0) = 2 // right and down are shaded     countAdjacentShaded(SHADED, 3, 0) = 3 // up, right, and down are shaded countAdjacentShaded(SHADED, 3, 1) = 1 // right is shaded (self doesn’t

*/                                                                ^^ count)

public int countAdjacentShaded(boolean[][] shaded, int i, int j) {         int result = 0;                                                        if (______________________________&&________________________________) {

result += 1;


if (______________________________&&________________________________) { result += 1;


if (______________________________&&________________________________) { result += 1;


if (______________________________&&________________________________) { result += 1;


return result;


b. (450 points) Fill in the code below.

/* Return true if the provided 2D array SHADED is a valid solution to the  norinori puzzle defined by the 2D array AREAS, in which there are NUMAREAS distinct regions. You may assume that AREAS and SHADED are rectangular, and the same dimensions. */

public boolean validNorinoriSolution(int[][] areas,

boolean[][] shaded, int numAreas) { int[] areaCounts = ___________________________________________;

for (______________________________________________________){

for (__________________________________________________________){ if (_________________________________________________________){

if (___________________________________________________________) {

return false;

}                                                              _____________________________________________________________;



}                                                                       for (_______________________________________________________________) {

if (______________________________________________________) {

return false;



return true;


Hint: If and only if:

•   All shaded cells come in groups of two (i.e. all shaded cells belong to a 2 tile domino).

•   No dominoes touch except their corner.


•   Every shaded cell on the grid has exactly one shaded neighbor to its up, down, left, or right, i.e. the one shaded neighbor is the other cell in its domino.

6. Ooh baby a triple!! (420 Points).

triply” linked list is a doubly linked list with an additional pointer field in each node:

private static class TripleNode {

private int value;

private TripleNode left;

private TripleNode right;

private TripleNode next;  // dashed line in diagram below



public class TLList {

private TripleNode sentinel; // there is only one sentinel node public TLList() {



For example, consider the Triply Linked List below. Some statements about this TLL:

•   The sentinel’s right is 5.                     5’s right is 8.               …        4’s right is the sentinel.

•   The sentinel’s left is 4.                       4’s left is 3                  …        5’s left is the sentinel.

•   5’s next is 3.                                       3’s next is 4.                …        9’s next is the sentinel.

•   The sentinel’s next is null.

Note: There is only one sentinel node, but three copies are shown in the diagram1 below to reduce visual clutter. If we showed the sentinel as one node, there would be arrows all over the place.

Let   “alpha”  be  the   node  to  the   right   of  the   sentinel,   e.g.   5   in  the   diagram  below.  The promoteNewAlphaDestroyOldAlpha method removes the old alpha from the list. It also promotes a new alpha node by moving it to the leftmost position (i.e. to the right of the sentinel). The new alpha is the “next” item after the old alpha. No “next” pointers are changed by this operation.

For example if we start from the diagram on the previous page:


After the call to promoteNewAlphaDestroyOldAlpha, we have:



* Remove the leftmost node and replace it with its next” node. */

Hint: You may add more dot notation to each blank (e.g. for line 6, the left hand side could read “newAlpha.left.next.right.next = …”)

1: public void promoteNewAlphaDestroyOldAlpha() {

2:        TripleNode oldAlpha = sentinel.right;

3:        TripleNode newAlpha = oldAlpha.next;


5:        newAlpha.left.right             = ______________________________;

6:        newAlpha.______________________ = ______________________________;


8:        newAlpha.______________________ = oldAlpha.right;

9:        oldAlpha_______________________ = ______________________________;


11:      _______________________________ = ______________________________;

12:      _______________________________ = ______________________________;

13: }


public class IntList {

public int first;

public IntList rest;

Reference Sheet

public IntList(int f, IntList r) {

first = f;

rest = r;


/** Returns an IntList with the given numbers.*/

public static IntList of(int... input) { ... }


JUnit methods:

assertEquals(Object x, Object y)

assertEquals(int x, int y)

assertEquals(double x, double y)

assertTrue(boolean b)

assertFalse(boolean b)

assertNotNull(Object x)

assertArrayEquals(Object[] x, Object[] y)

assertArrayEquals(int[] x, int[] y)

assertArrayEquals(double[] x, double[] y)