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Physics of Sound and Music (PHYS 152) Term Project Report TEMPLATE Fall 2022

{Notes: This is a template for your Term Project Report.  We’ve included instructions and         information about what should be found in each section in squiggly brackets “{}s” below.  You are encouraged to use this Template in writing your Term Project Report. You can simply replace the {} text with your own and insert diagrams, figures, graphs, tables,etc.

We expect your project report to be at least 4 sides of a page (2 full pages) long.  Font size should be 12 point, no larger.   It should include all the sections listed below (titles are in BOLD). Please dont interpret the length of this template to imply your report should be less than 2 pages both sides, it should be that or more!

Term Project Reports that are shorter will receive lower grades. Your TPR does, however, include figures, tables, graphs, etc. within the 2 pages both sides.  Please remember, your TPR is done in lieu of taking a final exam for the course, so we expect similar effort on your part in doing this project.

IMPORTANT: YOU MUST INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOU DOING YOUR PROJECT IN YOUR TERM PROJECT REPORT.  We will deduct between 10-20 points (our discretion) if you do not. }


Project Title:

{please give your project a title and state it here}


{write this last, after the rest of your report.

It should state why youre doing your particular project; your research question; your results, and; your conclusions. Each of these pieces should be 1-3 sentences long. The goal is to sum up your project and to do so succinctly.}

{Note, we will grade this section (only) for grammar and spelling. We suggest you write, then

re-read and edit this section for clarity, grammar and spelling.}

The abstract should be about two paragraphs long.

Introduction and Background:

{You can expand on the same section from your Proposal here, however DO NOT ASSUME WE REMEMBER YOUR PROPOSAL. The I&B should give both technical (related to class physics content) and practical background (e.g., “I’ve discovered that Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer preferred square over triangle waves for his Mood synthesizer and want to know why.” (Dr. D. made this up, but you get the idea).

You should include a diagram, drawing or labeled image in this section . By labeled,’ we mean that you should have arrows pointing to key parts and labels for the arrows. Further, this diagram, drawing or labeled image should be discussed in your text.

This section should be about ¾ to 1 side of a page long.}

Experimental Setup:

{Include here a description of your experimental setup. If applicable, this can describe the on- line app you used for your experiment, including the controls, what they do, etc. You should discuss why you used this particular setup, including information about how the setup evolved as you undertook the project (e.g., With this setup we found that it was impossible to maintain the precise same tension on different diameter strings, so we modified it so as to suspend equal masses from one end of each type of string, thus ensuring the same gravitational force was applied to each.” or: we found it difficult to capture the overtone content versus time using the Falstad Bar Waves app, so we determined how to record video screen shots and recorded the response of tapping the bar in different places, then replayed the videos one frame at a time so as to capture the initial harmonic/overtone/partials response. ”)

You MUST include a diagram, drawing or labeled image in this section. This should give enough information about your experimental setup so that a science-inexperienced reader could recreate your experiment. The same caveats apply, the diagram should be labelled and discussed in the text.

This section should be about 1 page long}

Results & Data Tables/Plots:

{Here is where you give your data. I would advise including both a table and a graph if possible. You not only give your data, you discuss it here —for example, its reliability, its error, difficulty (or ease) in obtaining it, etc.


This section should be about 1-2 pages long. }


Analysis is where you make sense of your data in terms of how it does or does not address your research question. You may (alternately) have a graph(s) in this section that you discuss as part of your analysis.

Either here or under Results you should discuss problems with your setup/data and its analysis here, for example, the room was noisy and my microphone picked up sounds other than from my experiment.

This section should be about ½ to 1 pages long.}


{This is where you declare if and how your experiment(s) and data addressed your research question, and what the answer to that question is. This section is generally short and summative.

This section should be about ½ to 1 pages long}


{URLs or papers you used to write your report. Some general guidance is that it’s fine to look up information on the web. You should paraphrase that information in your own words and include a reference to it (a URL is fine)}