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TCS3064 Object Oriented Programing


1. The following UML class diagram represents the classes in ABC Airlines, where the Manager and Clerk classes are subclasses of the Employee class.


empNo: int

    empName: String

basicSalary: double

~  empCount : int

+  constructors (no-arg and parameterized)

+  Set and Get methods for instance variables

+  calculateSalary(): double

+  toString(): String




level: String

workingYears: int


overtimeHours: int

overtimeRate: double

+  constructors (no-arg and parameterized)

+  Set and Get methods for all instance variables

+  calculateMonthlyAllowance(): double

+  calculateSalary(): double

+  toString(): String


+  constructors (no-arg and parameterized)

+  Set and Get methods for all instance variables

+  calculateOvertimePay(): double

+  calculateSalary(): double

+  toString(): String

The following additional information is provided:

· The static variable empCount in the Employee class should be incremented each time an Employee object (including objects of its subclasses) is created.

· The toString() method of each class should return a string containing the data field values with appropriate labels, one data field per line.

· For Manager,

o Manager levels are Top, Senior and Junior.

o Computation of a manager’s salary is as follows:

§ Monthly salary = basic salary + monthly allowance

The monthly allowance information for managers is as follows:





Monthly allowance per working year




· For clerk, the computation of monthly salary is as follows:

· Monthly salary = basic salary + overtime pay

· Overtime pay = overtime hours * overtime rate

(a) Implement all the classes.  You may introduce additional variables and methods that will increase the reusability and maintainability of the classes.   

(b) Write a test program that will create a polymorphic array to store 4 Employee objects and then display the output as shown below:


Employee number: 1120

Employee name: Eric

Basic salary: RM5000.00

Level: Top

Working years: 7 years


Employee number: 1121

Employee name: Raymond

Basic salary: RM4000.00

Level: Senior

Working years: 5 years


Employee number: 1122

Employee name: Calvin

Basic salary: RM3000.00

Level: Junior

Working years: 3 years


Employee number: 1123

Employee name: Donald

Basic salary: RM1000.00

Overtime hours: 20 hours

Overtime rate: RM1.50

2. How do we

(a) overload a method? Give an example.                

(b) override a method? Give an example.                   (3 marks)

3. (a) List the 3 advantages of polymorphism.          (3 marks)

(b) What is generic programming?         (2 marks)