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Econ 345: Applied Econometrics Research Project

Choose a topic and hypothesis of your choice, find an appropriate dataset, estimate a          regression model, and present your model and results in a written academic research essay. You can choose any topic and dataset (with at least 20 observations) that may interest you.

If you need some inspiration, https://ourworldindata.org/ has fascinating long-run datasets,   but you are welcome to use any data to answer any question you are interested in (for            example: does smoking affect babies’ birthweights? Has the introduction of airbags/seatbelts lowered car accident deaths? Has the BC carbon tax lowered CO2 emissions? etc.). The         Wooldridge package in R also has many available datasets. You may also find the Dalhousie Economics Research Guide useful:                                                                                            https://dal.ca.libguides.com/c.php?g=257039&p=1717810

Present your results in the form of a short, written essay (maximum length of 5 pages + references + tables and figures).

The essay should be an academic piece of writing (avoid casual language, bullet points, and  do not copy and paste R-code or output directly). The essay should follow a clear and           coherent structure. Please refer to the writing appendices posted on our course page for more information on formatting your paper.  Your grade will be determined on not only your         econometric analysis, but how you present it.

Group Work Expectations: You may choose to work individually, in a group of 2, or in a group of 3. No other group sizes will be permitted under any circumstances. When you      submit your topic approval, you will declare who, if anyone, you are working with.

If you choose to work as part of a group, you will need to:

•   Submit the group contract with the Topic Approval Milestone

•   Keep track of your time and individual contributions and submit a summary with each milestone starting with the literature review. Points will be deducted if this is missing, or it is not completed satisfactorily. A template will be provided on our course page.

•   Understand that all group members must review each submission before handing it in. Each member of the group is responsible for the submission in its entirety.

•   Understand that if there is a question of Academic Integrity, the whole group will be held accountable.

Deadlines and Expectations: An Overview

Topic Approval (5%) October 3rd

By 11:59pm Pacific Time on October 3rd you need to submit a completed Topic Approval     Template on Brightspace.  You will need to clearly state your topic, show a link to your         data/discuss your variables, and decide whether you are working as an individual or group.    If too many students have the same research topic – you may be asked to choose a new topic. Priority will be given to those who submit earliest. You need to choose an original topic (you cannot re-use a previous research project).

Literature Review (5%) October 16th

By 11:59pm Pacific Time on October 16th you need to submit your Literature Review on    Brightspace. This must include, at a minimum, 3 academic references. You must follow the template provided on our course page.

Draft Submission (10%) November 7th

By 11:59pm on November 7th you need to submit your Draft Submission. You need to have meaningful writing in each section of your paper (Introduction, Literature Review, Data,     Methods, Results, Conclusions). You must include your regression results and an                 interpretation of these results.

Peer Review (10%) November 18th

Once you have completed your draft, exchange paper drafts with another group in our class. You will provide kind and helpful feedback on their papers. By 11:59pm on November 18th you need to submit a copy of the feedback you provided on your peer’s paper and a copy of the feedback you received on your paper.

Final Submission (15%) December 7th

By 11:59pm Pacific Time on December 7th   you need to submit your final paper on              Brightspace. Take the time between the peer review and handing in your final submission to work through your peer review feedback & draft feedback, take time to go to the writing      centre, and bring your paper to office hours and talk with me, so that you complete a paper  you are proud of. You must also submit your data and code. You may be asked to discuss    your code with me before receiving a grade.

A note on plagiarism: You must reference any literature you cite and any data and methods you use. ReviewWhat is Plagiarismfor the definition of plagiarism.                                       We are using APA style citations in this course. If you get information from an outside         source, it must be appropriately cited with APA style.See here for UVic APA style guide.    The consequences of plagiarism range from a failing grade for an assignment or course to     disciplinary probation or even expulsion from the university. Accidental plagiarism is still  plagiarism. If you get information from a source, even if you are not directly quoting from  that source, you need to cite it. You are responsible for checking your work and knowing the definition of plagiarism. UVic's policy on academic integrityprovides more information      about the consequences of plagiarism and other forms of cheating.